Sunday, October 16, 2011

Why Chewbacca Boots?

Special Thanks to Susanne Sparks for the photo of my footwear!

So, why the Chewy boots? In my case, I've had a love affair with them since I was a child. When I was 9 (1987ish), we rescued a kitten, Toonces. The woman who delivered him to us was wearing these huge, furry boots. I thought they were the most glamorous boots I had ever laid eyes on, and I vowed to someday own a pair. Fast forward to about five years ago, walking through Nordstrom's, and there they were. CHEWBACCA BOOTS. Black, with little red & yellow accents. My mother bought me a pair for my birthday or xmas (they're only a couple of weeks apart, so I'm not sure which it was), and the rest was history.

They're also the most comfortable shoes I've ever owned. My feet are rather wide, and are reminiscent of Fred Flintstone's feet in appearance-all stubby toes and pudgy foot. Nothing fits right, and these do. So for half of the year, no blisters, no pain, just walking around on clouds. Score point two for the Chewies.

Finally, they're just plain hilarious. They inspire people to make Wookiee noises, invite conversation, and make everyone look just a little less stuffy. Sure, they're not the prettiest shoes out there, but they're the most commented on. Everyone has an opinion on them, good, bad, ugly, whatever.

And yes, I do wear them dancing. With dresses. It's quite the look, no? To me, they say that I don't take myself too seriously. A sense of humor is crucial in any fashion choice, if you ask me. And clearly, since you're reading my blog, you did.